Webb City Council says now’s the time to spend money on streets
The Webb City Council on Monday approved paying for its share of the cost to repave Enterprise Avenue in the Joplin-Webb City Industrial Park.
Joplin requested that Webb City pay $66,638.
Enterprise Avenue is within the city limits of Webb City from the railroad tracks east to South Hall Street Road. From the tracks to Progress Avenue, the city limits are just on the north side of the street. Both sides of the street are within Webb City between Progress Avenue and South Hall Street.
The expense was unknown when the budget was prepared in November 2020, so it will require a budget amendment.
Nevertheless, Jerry Fisher (3rd Ward) again pressed the council to be aggressive in repairing other streets in the city. Repaving Broadway is among the priorities. Its poor condition became more evident after West Daugherty Street was rebuilt in 2020. One difference between the east-west thoroughfares is that Broadway’s curb, gutter and sidewalks, for the most part, won’t have to be replaced.
The estimated cost to mill and repave Broadway is $377,107.
It’s estimated that paving the new parking lot south of City Hall will cost $15,000.
A list of streets shared with council members that may require spot repair includes:
On the bright side, Fisher noted that during his long tenure on the council, the city has never been as good a financial position to improve streets.
In other action, the council:
Completed passage (second reading) of an ordinance that reduces the time an abandoned vehicle can be parked on the street from 14 days to 48 hours. It amends section 220.060 of the Webb City code book. And it is hoped it will help in the effort to clean up neighborhoods.
Approved a budget amendment on both readings. The purpose is to align the budget with actual revenues and expenditures, which is a state requirement.
Was informed that firefighters have worked with Little League coaches regarding first-aid and safety techniques so they can assist in the event of an emergency at one of the practices or games.
Learned that the fire department will participate with Joplin’s fire department and airport staff in a full-scale training exercise Thursday to be prepared in the event of an aircraft emergency.
Noted that public works employees have been doing some of the work reconstructing the Little League 11-12-year-old field in King Jack Park.
Approved the following re-appointments by Mayor Lynn Ragsdale:
– Center Creek 201 Wastwater Treatment Board: Rod Surber (2022), Aaron Rice (2023).
– Board Adjustments and Appeals: Mark Bond (2025).
– Park Board: Nathan Irwin (2024), Don McGowan (2024).
– Planning and Zoning Board: Rhonda Thompson (2024), Melissa Annis (2025).
– Library Board: Lucinda Copeland (2024), Cathy Hall (2024), Sue Oliveira (2024).
The Webb City Sentinel isn’t a newspaper – but it used to be, serving Webb City, Missouri, in print from 1879-2020. This “newspaper” seeks to carry on that tradition as a nonprofit corporation.
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