A bulletin board at the library welcomes young readers. (EILEEN NICHOLS PHOTO)

Webb City Library Summer Reading Program begins

Tails & Tales features activities and prizes along with reading encouragement

Summer is here and that means fun at the Library. 

After having to cancel last year’s activities due to COVID-19, the Webb City Public Library is expanding its free children’s activities. 

This year’s theme is Tails & Tales. Programs begin this week and go through July:

1 – 3 p.m. Wednesdays at the Library

Stories, crafts, STEM activities, and games for first through sixth graders in the Empire and Perry Rooms on the ground floor.

10:30 – 11:30 Thursdays at the Library

Stories, crafts, and games for preschoolers and kindergarteners in the Empire and Perry Rooms on the ground floor.

1 – 2 p.m. Thursdays at the Farmers Market by the Kids Tent

Stories and crafts for families – preceded by a free meal for kids from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. and a lesson on Eating from the Garden at 12:30 by University of Missouri nutrition educators.

Occasional Family Fun activities:

1 – 3 p.m. Saturday, June 5 at the Library

Learn about the Joplin Humane Society (there will be adoptable DOGS!)

11 a.m. – noon Saturday, June 12

Vicki Cassidy will present a program on reptiles. We hear there might be some LIVE ones!

Watch the Sentinel for additional Saturday events. Plans for teens are underway – think pizza …

Registration is not required for any of the above programs. 


Kids from preschool through 12th grade can sign up online and in person for reading prizes. 

They log their reading time in 15-minute increments on paper or online. Once they accumulate 10 hours, they turn in their log and choose among a range of books. They can turn in up to five logs (50 hours). 

School-aged children are also entered for a gift-card drawing each time they turn in a log (up to 15 times, or 150 hours). There will be a $25 gift card drawn for each grade level.

Teens and adults who would like to volunteer as helpers may call Vicki Bibb at the library, (417) 673-4326.