Bob Foos
The second Wreaths Across America service at Mt. Hope Cemetery will take place at 11 a.m. Saturday by the Veterans Memorial.
Local organizer Susie Crutcher says the fund-raising goal has almost been reached to place 1,200 wreaths on the graves of veterans in the cemetery.
Webb City JROTC cadets will present the colors and lay wreaths at the monument while Legionaires do the 21-gun salute. The cadets will also place many of the wreaths, with the help of Scout Troop 25 and volunteers, at graves throughout the cemetery.
Locating the graves will be easier this year because shepherd hooks have been provided by Charlie 22 and Bob Black.
As they place a wreath, cadets will say the veteran’s name and give a 3-second salute.
Mt. Hope Cemetery staff have placed a wreath hook by every veteran’s headstone.
A semi-truck carrying the wreaths will be escorted by the Patriot Riders.
Mayor Lynn Ragsdale will be the guest speaker. Students from Webb City High School will perform the National Anthem and the bugle call Taps.
Crutcher thanks generous sponsors, the volunteers who will hang the beautiful live balsam wreaths, American Legion and VFW members “as we REMEMBER – HONOR – and TEACH.”
The Webb City Sentinel isn’t a newspaper – but it used to be, serving Webb City, Missouri, in print from 1879-2020. This “newspaper” seeks to carry on that tradition as a nonprofit corporation.
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