New Oronogo budget with increased employee benefits approved

Bob Foos

The Oronogo Board of Aldermen on Monday approved a budget for the 2024-2025 fiscal year, beginning July 1, 2024, including increased employee benefits.

A 6% increase in water rates was also approved.

The total estimated revenue of $2,464,773 falls short of expenses, which are estimated at $2,917,623.

According to the treasurer’s report, the city is starting the year with approximately $1,233,036 in its operating account; $459,791 in American Rescue Plan Act funds, and a certificate of deposit amounting to $1,537,701.

A 3.2% cost of living adjustment was approved for all employees.

The deferred compensation plan will continue, with the city still matching 6% of participating employees’s annual salary. The city’s maximum portion is increasing from $3,600 to $4,800.

A merit pay plan was established, with annual payments starting at $300 for five years of service and increasing to $1,800 for 30 years of service.

Water customers will be charged 6% more than last year. The amending ordinance increases the cost of the first 1,000 gallons from $19.06 to $20.22 and the cost of additional 1,000 gallons from $4.12 to $4.37.

For instance, the cost to use 3,000 gallons per month will increase from $27.30 to $28.96.

Rates for water customers outside the city limits will go up similarily. The cost for the first 1,000 gallons will increase from $28.33 to $30.06, and the cost for additional 1,000 gallons will go up from $7.73 to $8.20.